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translation and definition "thinking", tamil lexicon

WordTamil Definition
thinkingஆய்வாராய்வு, சிந்தனை, (பெயரடை) எண்ணுகிற, சிந்திக்கிற.
unthinkingசிந்தனையற்ற, முன்பின் யோசித்துப்பார்க்கப்பெறாத, உணர்ச்சியில்லாத.
Wade inStart something or get involved, often without thinking or to forcefully
Wade intoBecome embroiled or involved in a situation, without thinking or planning usually
Blurt outSay something quickly without thinking, especially if you shouldn't

Verb Forms

Present TensePastPast ParticiplePresent ParticipleTamil Meaning