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translation and definition "decision", tamil lexicon

WordTamil Definition
decisionதீர்மானித்தல், முடிவு, தீர்மானம், தீர்வு, தீர்ப்பு, உறுதிப்பாடு, உறுதிப்பாட்டுப் பண்பு, மன உறுதி.
Wait onServe people in a restaurant
Sell goods in a shop
Provide someone with everything they need or want
Wait for a result before being able to make a decision
Get atCriticise
Be able to reach, find, access
Use threats, payments, bribes, etc, to affect someone's testimony or decision
Lie withHave the right to make a decision
Stick bySupport someone when they are having difficulties
Support a plan, opinion or decision