VGE | Venous Gas Embolism | - | SMS Chat and Text |
VENTID | Vision Ears Nausea Twitiching Irritation Dizziness | - | SMS Chat and Text |
TP | Test Pressure | - | SMS Chat and Text |
TO | Training Officer (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
TNT | Total Nitrogen Time | - | SMS Chat and Text |
TDT | Total Dive Time | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SWP | Safe Working Pressure | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SSI | Scuba Schools International; Diving Instruction Organization. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SPG | Submerssible Pressure Guage | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SI | Surface Interval | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SCUHA | Self-contained Underwater Heating Apparatus (urinating In Your Wet Suit). | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SCUDA | Self Contained Underwater Drinking Apparatus. Product That Can Be Used To Drink Underwater. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SCUBA | Self Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatus | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SAR | Search And Rescue/Recovery | - | SMS Chat and Text |
SAA | Sub-Aqua Association | - | SMS Chat and Text |
RYA | Royal Yachting Association | - | SMS Chat and Text |
RSTC | Recreational Scuba Training Council. Organization That Sets Basic Guidelines For Scuba Diving Agencies. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
ROV | Remotly Operated Vehicle | - | SMS Chat and Text |
RNT | Residual Nitrogen Time | - | SMS Chat and Text |
RIB | Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat | - | SMS Chat and Text |
RDP | Recreational Dive Planner | - | SMS Chat and Text |
RD | Rescue Diver (PADI) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
PSI | Pounds Per Square Inch | - | SMS Chat and Text |
PPB | Peak Performance Bouyancy | - | SMS Chat and Text |
PP | Partial Pressure | - | SMS Chat and Text |
PG | Pressure Group | - | SMS Chat and Text |
PDIC | Professional Diving Instructors Corporation International; Diving Instruction Organization. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
PADI | Professional Association Of Diving Instructors | - | SMS Chat and Text |
OWSI | Open Water SCUBA Instructor (PADI) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
OWIC | Open Water Instructor Course (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
OWI | Open Water Instructor (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
OW(D) | Open Water (Diver) (PADI) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
OW | Open Water Certification; First Certification Level. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
OD | Ocean Diver (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
NITROX | Any Gas Mixture Of Nitrogen And Oxygen; Though Most Commonly Used For Oxygen Mixtures Above The Normal 21 Per Cent. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
NI | National Instructor (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
NAUI | National Association Of Underwater Instructors | - | SMS Chat and Text |
NASDS | National Association Of Scuba Diving Schools; Diving Instruction Organization. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
MSDT | Master SCUBA Diver Trainer (PADI) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
MSD | Master SCUBA Diver (PADI) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
MOD | Maximum Operating Depth | - | SMS Chat and Text |
MDT | Maximum Dive Time | - | SMS Chat and Text |
MDL | No Decompression Limit | - | SMS Chat and Text |
MCS | Marine Conservation Society | - | SMS Chat and Text |
MCA | Maritime And Coastguard Agency | - | SMS Chat and Text |
LP | Low Pressure | - | SMS Chat and Text |
LAT | Lowest Astonomical Tide | - | SMS Chat and Text |
ITW | Instructor Training Workshop (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
ITS | Instructor Training Scheme (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
ITC | Instructor Training Course (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
IOC | Instructor Orientation Course (PADI) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
IDEA | International Diving Educators Association; Diving Instruction Organization. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
IDC | Instructor Development Course (PADI) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
IAND | International Association Of Nitrox Divers | - | SMS Chat and Text |
HSE | Health And Safety Executive | - | SMS Chat and Text |
HPNS | High Pressure Nervous Syndrome | - | SMS Chat and Text |
HP | High Pressure | - | SMS Chat and Text |
HID | High Intensity Discharge | - | SMS Chat and Text |
GPS | Global Positioing System | - | SMS Chat and Text |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress And Safety System | - | SMS Chat and Text |
EO | Equipment Officer (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
END | Equivalent Narcotic Depth | - | SMS Chat and Text |
EFR | Emergency First Response | - | SMS Chat and Text |
EAR | Expired Air Resuscitation | - | SMS Chat and Text |
EAN(X) | Enriched Air Nitrox | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DV | Demand Valve | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DSMB | Delayed Surface Marker Buoy | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DPV | Diver Propulsion Vehicle | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DO | Dive Officer (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DM | Dive Master (PADI) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DL | Dive Leader (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DIR | Doing It Right | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DIN | Deutsches Insitut Fuer Normung | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DEMA | Diving Equipment Manufacturers Association | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DCS | Decompression Sickness | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DCI | Decompression Illness | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DCAP | Decompression Computation And Analysis Program | - | SMS Chat and Text |
DAN | Divers Alert Network | - | SMS Chat and Text |
CNS | Central Nervous System | - | SMS Chat and Text |
CMAS | Confederation Moniale Des Activities Subaquatiques | - | SMS Chat and Text |
CESA | Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent | - | SMS Chat and Text |
CCR | Closed Circuit Rebreather | - | SMS Chat and Text |
CAGE | Cerebral Arterial Gas Embolism | - | SMS Chat and Text |
C-CARD | Scuba Diving Certification Card. | - | SMS Chat and Text |
BWRAF | Buoyancy | - | SMS Chat and Text |
BT | Bottom Time | - | SMS Chat and Text |
BSAC | British Sub-Aqua Club | - | SMS Chat and Text |
BHA | British Hyperbaric Association | - | SMS Chat and Text |
BFK | Big F*cking Knife (reference To The Diver's Knife) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
BCD | Buoyancy Control Device | - | SMS Chat and Text |
BC | Bouyancy Compensator | - | SMS Chat and Text |
ATA | Atmospheres Absolute | - | SMS Chat and Text |
AOW | Advanced Open Water | - | SMS Chat and Text |
AMDT | Adjusted Maximum Dive Time | - | SMS Chat and Text |
AIE | Advanced Instructor Exam (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
AIC | Advanced Instructor Course (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
AI | Assistant Instructor (PADI) Advanced Instructor (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |
AGE | Aterial Gas Embolism | - | SMS Chat and Text |
ADT | Actual Dive Time | - | SMS Chat and Text |
AD | Adventure Diver (PADI) Advanced Diver (BSAC) | - | SMS Chat and Text |