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AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
VGEVenous Gas Embolism-SMS Chat and Text
VENTIDVision Ears Nausea Twitiching Irritation Dizziness-SMS Chat and Text
TPTest Pressure-SMS Chat and Text
TOTraining Officer (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
TNTTotal Nitrogen Time-SMS Chat and Text
TDTTotal Dive Time-SMS Chat and Text
SWPSafe Working Pressure-SMS Chat and Text
SSIScuba Schools International; Diving Instruction Organization.-SMS Chat and Text
SPGSubmerssible Pressure Guage-SMS Chat and Text
SISurface Interval-SMS Chat and Text
SCUHASelf-contained Underwater Heating Apparatus (urinating In Your Wet Suit).-SMS Chat and Text
SCUDASelf Contained Underwater Drinking Apparatus. Product That Can Be Used To Drink Underwater.-SMS Chat and Text
SCUBASelf Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatus-SMS Chat and Text
SARSearch And Rescue/Recovery-SMS Chat and Text
SAASub-Aqua Association-SMS Chat and Text
RYARoyal Yachting Association-SMS Chat and Text
RSTCRecreational Scuba Training Council. Organization That Sets Basic Guidelines For Scuba Diving Agencies.-SMS Chat and Text
ROVRemotly Operated Vehicle-SMS Chat and Text
RNTResidual Nitrogen Time-SMS Chat and Text
RIBRigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat-SMS Chat and Text
RDPRecreational Dive Planner-SMS Chat and Text
RDRescue Diver (PADI)-SMS Chat and Text
PSIPounds Per Square Inch-SMS Chat and Text
PPBPeak Performance Bouyancy-SMS Chat and Text
PPPartial Pressure-SMS Chat and Text
PGPressure Group-SMS Chat and Text
PDICProfessional Diving Instructors Corporation International; Diving Instruction Organization.-SMS Chat and Text
PADIProfessional Association Of Diving Instructors-SMS Chat and Text
OWSIOpen Water SCUBA Instructor (PADI)-SMS Chat and Text
OWICOpen Water Instructor Course (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
OWIOpen Water Instructor (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
OW(D)Open Water (Diver) (PADI)-SMS Chat and Text
OWOpen Water Certification; First Certification Level.-SMS Chat and Text
ODOcean Diver (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
NITROXAny Gas Mixture Of Nitrogen And Oxygen; Though Most Commonly Used For Oxygen Mixtures Above The Normal 21 Per Cent.-SMS Chat and Text
NINational Instructor (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
NAUINational Association Of Underwater Instructors-SMS Chat and Text
NASDSNational Association Of Scuba Diving Schools; Diving Instruction Organization.-SMS Chat and Text
MSDTMaster SCUBA Diver Trainer (PADI)-SMS Chat and Text
MSDMaster SCUBA Diver (PADI)-SMS Chat and Text
MODMaximum Operating Depth-SMS Chat and Text
MDTMaximum Dive Time-SMS Chat and Text
MDLNo Decompression Limit-SMS Chat and Text
MCSMarine Conservation Society-SMS Chat and Text
MCAMaritime And Coastguard Agency-SMS Chat and Text
LPLow Pressure-SMS Chat and Text
LATLowest Astonomical Tide-SMS Chat and Text
ITWInstructor Training Workshop (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
ITSInstructor Training Scheme (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
ITCInstructor Training Course (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
IOCInstructor Orientation Course (PADI)-SMS Chat and Text
IDEAInternational Diving Educators Association; Diving Instruction Organization.-SMS Chat and Text
IDCInstructor Development Course (PADI)-SMS Chat and Text
IANDInternational Association Of Nitrox Divers-SMS Chat and Text
HSEHealth And Safety Executive-SMS Chat and Text
HPNSHigh Pressure Nervous Syndrome-SMS Chat and Text
HPHigh Pressure-SMS Chat and Text
HIDHigh Intensity Discharge-SMS Chat and Text
GPSGlobal Positioing System-SMS Chat and Text
GMDSSGlobal Maritime Distress And Safety System-SMS Chat and Text
EOEquipment Officer (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
ENDEquivalent Narcotic Depth-SMS Chat and Text
EFREmergency First Response-SMS Chat and Text
EARExpired Air Resuscitation-SMS Chat and Text
EAN(X)Enriched Air Nitrox-SMS Chat and Text
DVDemand Valve-SMS Chat and Text
DSMBDelayed Surface Marker Buoy-SMS Chat and Text
DPVDiver Propulsion Vehicle-SMS Chat and Text
DODive Officer (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
DMDive Master (PADI)-SMS Chat and Text
DLDive Leader (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
DIRDoing It Right-SMS Chat and Text
DINDeutsches Insitut Fuer Normung-SMS Chat and Text
DEMADiving Equipment Manufacturers Association-SMS Chat and Text
DCSDecompression Sickness-SMS Chat and Text
DCIDecompression Illness-SMS Chat and Text
DCAPDecompression Computation And Analysis Program-SMS Chat and Text
DANDivers Alert Network-SMS Chat and Text
CNSCentral Nervous System-SMS Chat and Text
CMASConfederation Moniale Des Activities Subaquatiques-SMS Chat and Text
CESAControlled Emergency Swimming Ascent-SMS Chat and Text
CCRClosed Circuit Rebreather-SMS Chat and Text
CAGECerebral Arterial Gas Embolism-SMS Chat and Text
C-CARDScuba Diving Certification Card.-SMS Chat and Text
BWRAFBuoyancy-SMS Chat and Text
BTBottom Time-SMS Chat and Text
BSACBritish Sub-Aqua Club-SMS Chat and Text
BHABritish Hyperbaric Association-SMS Chat and Text
BFKBig F*cking Knife (reference To The Diver's Knife)-SMS Chat and Text
BCDBuoyancy Control Device-SMS Chat and Text
BCBouyancy Compensator-SMS Chat and Text
ATAAtmospheres Absolute-SMS Chat and Text
AOWAdvanced Open Water-SMS Chat and Text
AMDTAdjusted Maximum Dive Time-SMS Chat and Text
AIEAdvanced Instructor Exam (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
AICAdvanced Instructor Course (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
AIAssistant Instructor (PADI) Advanced Instructor (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text
AGEAterial Gas Embolism-SMS Chat and Text
ADTActual Dive Time-SMS Chat and Text
ADAdventure Diver (PADI) Advanced Diver (BSAC)-SMS Chat and Text