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AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
TAPSThick As Pig Sh*t-NASA
TARFUThings Are Really F*cked Up-NASA
TATTTalks All The Time (also "Tired All The Time")-NASA
TBCTotal Body Crunch: Multiple Injuries-NASA
TBDTotal Body Dolor I.e. Complains Of Pain Everywhere -NASA
TBPTotal Body Pain-NASA
TCLTTranscranial Lead Therapy - Gunshot Wound Passing Through Head-NASA
TCSToxic Confusional State - Confused, Usually Elderly, Person Whose Problem Is Due To Constipation (toxic Build Up In Body)-NASA
TDSTerminal Deceleration Syndrome (e.g. RTA Death, High-rise Syndrome, Jump-suicides And Parachute-failed-to-open)-NASA
TECTransfer To Eternal Care I.e. Dead-NASA
TEETHTried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy -NASA
TF BUNDYTotally F*cked, But Unfortunately Not Dead Yet-NASA
TFOToo F*cking Old (person Dying Of Old Age). -NASA
TFTBToo Fat To Breathe-NASA
THCThree Hots And A Cot; Sought In A&E By The Local Homeless -NASA
TLCTube, Lavage & Charcoal (given To Poisoning Victim)-NASA
TLGPTwo Legged Guinea Pig - Patient Undergoing Experimental Or Extreme Treatments -NASA
TLRTwo Legged Rat - Refers To A Patient Undergoing Experimental Or Extreme Treatments -NASA
TMBToo Many Birthdays: Person Dying Of "old Age"-NASA
TMIThree Meaningless Initials (e.g. John Smith, TMI - Applied To Medics With Qualifications Rather Than Ability)-NASA
TOBPTired Of Being Pregnant (especially Patient Demanding Caesarian)-NASA
TOGTears Of Gratitude -NASA
TOITrans-occipital Implants - Bullet Wound To The Head-NASA
TROTime Ran Out-NASA
TSLToo Stupid To Live-NASA
TSSToxic Sock Syndrome (often Related To The Homeless)-NASA
TTFOTold To F*ck Off-NASA
TTJTransfer To Jesus-NASA
TTOASTTake Them Out And Shoot Them-NASA
TTR(US) Tattoo-to-Tooth Ratio (Dirtbag Ratio)-NASA
TTTRTooth To Tattoo Ratio - Visual Determination Of Basic Intelligence. A Positive Ratio (more Teeth Then Tattoos) Is Generally Better Than A Negative Ratio, Which Is Bad.-NASA
TUBETotally Unnecessary Breast Examination (might Happen To A GLM / MILF)-NASA
TVTPTried Vancomycin, Try Prayer (Vancomycin Is Anti-MRSA Drug)-NASA
TWAThird World Assassins. Slang For The Allegedly Poor Medical Care Delivered By Physicians Who Went To Medical School In Foreign Countries-NASA
TWSAMTrash Will Survive And Multiply-NASA
TYFTICThank You For This Interesting Consult - This Is Complete B*llsh*t -NASA