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Human Genome

AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
T1T-One - Carrier Signal (communications)-Human Genome
T3T-Three - Carrier Signal (communications)-Human Genome
TATerminal Adapter-Human Genome
TANSTAAFLThere Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch-Human Genome
TAPITelephony Application Programming Interface-Human Genome
TCP/IPTransmission / Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol-Human Genome
TDMTime Division Multiplexing-Human Genome
TDMATime Division Multiple Access-Human Genome
TFTThin Film Transistor-Human Genome
TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol-Human Genome
TIAThanks In Advance-Human Genome
TIFFTagged Image File Format-Human Genome
TIGATexas Instruments Graphics Architecture-Human Genome
TLDTop-Level Domain-Human Genome
TOPSTransparent Operating System-Human Genome
TPITracks Per Inch-Human Genome
TRAMTransactional RAM-Human Genome
TSAPITelephony Service API-Human Genome
TSRTerminate-and-Stay-Resident-Human Genome
TTFTrue Type Font-Human Genome
TTLTransistor-Transistor Logic-Human Genome
TWAINTechnology Without An Interesting Name-Human Genome
TWIPTwentieth Of A Point-Human Genome
TACACSTerminal Access Controller Access Control System -Human Genome
TALStime division multiplexing (TDM) access line service -Human Genome
TAPtelocator alphanumeric protocol -Human Genome
TAPSticket analysis performance system -Human Genome
TASTraffic Analysis Service -Human Genome
TB&Rtape backup and restore -Human Genome
TCBtechnical control bridge -Human Genome
TCCTransition Control Center -Human Genome
TCIFTelecommunications Industry Forum -Human Genome
TCMtraffic capacity management -Human Genome
TCOTSP Coordinator's Office -Human Genome
TCOStraveling classmark -Human Genome
TCPtransmission control protocol -Human Genome
TDtransport demultiplexing -Human Genome
TDDTelecommunications Device for the Deaf -Human Genome
TDD/TTYTelecommunications Device for the Deaf/Teletypewriter -Human Genome
TEtraffic engineering -Human Genome
TELNETTerminal-remote Host Protocol Program -Human Genome
TE-MARtraffic engineering-maximum allocated resources -Human Genome
TESPtelecommunications electric service priority -Human Genome
TFMMtoll-free multimedia -Human Genome
TFSToll-Free Service -Human Genome
TICTrusted Internet Connections -Human Genome
TICAPTransport Internet Connection Access Provider -Human Genome
TIMOTransition, Implementation, Migration Office -Human Genome
TINTaxpayer Identification Number -Human Genome
TKIPtemporal key integrity protocol -Human Genome
TLStransport layer security -Human Genome
TMFTeleManagement Forum -Human Genome
TMNtotal management network -Human Genome
TMOTechnology Management Office -Human Genome
TMPTransition Management Plan -Human Genome
TMStechnical and management support -Human Genome
Tntrunk level n -Human Genome
TNPPtelocator network paging protocol -Human Genome
TOtask order -Human Genome
TODtime of the day -Human Genome
TOFtechnical order form -Human Genome
TOHtransport overhead -Human Genome
TPTransition Plan -Human Genome
TP(Billing)FTS Non-Itemized Purchase Order -Human Genome
TPATP Agreement -Human Genome
TPSTwo-Way Paging Service -Human Genome
TRACSTotal Router Access Configuration System -Human Genome
TRMTechnical Reference Model -Human Genome
TSTelecommunications Services, Trade Study -Human Genome
TSATransportation Security Administration, Time Slot Alignment -Human Genome
TSAAterminating switched access arrangement -Human Genome
TS/SCITop Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information -Human Genome
TSGtiming signal generator -Human Genome
TSITime Slot Interchange -Human Genome
TSNOWtransport service now -Human Genome
TSPtelecommunications service priority -Human Genome
TSStelecommunications service sector -Human Genome
TTRTime to Restore -Human Genome
TTStext to speech -Human Genome
TUItelephony user interface -Human Genome
TWSTeleworking Services -Human Genome