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Human Genome

AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
FAHQTFully Automatic High-Quality Translation-Human Genome
FAMOSFloating Gate Avalanche MOS-Human Genome
FAQFrequently Asked Questions-Human Genome
FATFile Allocation Table-Human Genome
FBGAFine-pitch Ball-grid Array-Human Genome
FCBFile Control Block-Human Genome
FCCFile Carbon Copy-Human Genome
FDDFloppy Disk Drive-Human Genome
FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface-Human Genome
FDHDFloppy Drive, High Density-Human Genome
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing-Human Genome
FFForm Feed-Human Genome
FFSFlash File System-Human Genome
FIFFractal Image Format-Human Genome
FIFOFirst In, First Out-Human Genome
FLOPSFloating-point Operations Per Second-Human Genome
FORTRANFormula Translator; Programming Language-Human Genome
FPM RAMFast Page Mode RAM-Human Genome
FPUFloating-Point Unit-Human Genome
FRFrame Relay-Human Genome
FRADFrame Relay Assembler/Disassembler-Human Genome
FRAMFerroelectric RAM-Human Genome
FSKFrequency Shift Keying-Human Genome
FSPFile Service Protocol-Human Genome
FTPFile Transfer Protocol-Human Genome
FWIWFor What It's Worth-Human Genome
FYIFor Your Information-Human Genome
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation -Human Genome
FASFederal Acquisition Service -Human Genome
FASTARfast automatic restoration system -Human Genome
FAXFacsimile Transmission. An electronic system capable of scanning documents, converting them to electronic impulses, which are transmitted and received over telephone lines. -Human Genome
FBfixed bandwidth -Human Genome
FCfiber channel -Human Genome
FCIAFiber Channel Industry Association -Human Genome
FCPfiber channel protocol -Human Genome
FDCCFederal Desktop Core Configuration -Human Genome
FDMAfrequency division multiple access -Human Genome
FDPfiber distribution panel -Human Genome
FEAFederal Enterprise Architecture -Human Genome
FECforward error connection -Human Genome
FECNforward explicit congestion notification -Human Genome
FedCIRCFederal Computer Incident Response Center -Human Genome
FED-STDFederal Standard -Human Genome
FFPfirm fixed price -Human Genome
FIBforwarding information base -Human Genome
FICONfiber connectivity -Human Genome
FIPSFederal Information Processing Standard -Human Genome
FIRSTForum of Incident Response and Security Team -Human Genome
FISMAFederal Information Security Management Act -Human Genome
Fm-FmFind Me Follow Me -Human Genome
FOfail open -Human Genome
FOAfirm order acceptance -Human Genome
FOCfull operating capability -Human Genome
FOCNfirm order commitment notice -Human Genome
FODMfail open detection and mitigation -Human Genome
FOIAFreedom of Information Act -Human Genome
FOTSfiberoptic transport system -Human Genome
FPMRfederal property management regulations -Human Genome
FRFframe relay forum -Human Genome
FRIPFunctional Requirements Implementation Plan -Human Genome
FRSFrame Relay Services -Human Genome
FSDPfiber service delivery point -Human Genome
FSOfree space optics -Human Genome
FSSFixed Satellite Services -Human Genome
FT1fractional t1 -Human Genome
FT3fractional t3 -Human Genome
FTASfiber threat analysis system -Human Genome
FTRFederal Telecommunications Recommendations -Human Genome
FTSFederal Technology Service (Federal Telecommunications -Human Genome
FTS2001Federal Telecommunications System 2001 -Human Genome
FTTPfiber to the premises -Human Genome
FUSFFederal Universal Service Fund -Human Genome
FWTSFederal Wireless Telecommunications Service -Human Genome