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Human Genome

AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
DACDigital-to-Analog Converter-Human Genome
DAFSDirect Access File System-Human Genome
DAFSDocument Attribute Format Specification-Human Genome
DAOData Access Objects-Human Genome
DAODisk At Once-Human Genome
DASDDirect Access Storage Device-Human Genome
DATDigital Audio Tape-Human Genome
DBDatabase-Human Genome
DB2Database 2-Human Genome
DBMSDatabase Management System-Human Genome
DCCDirect Cable Connection-Human Genome
DCEData Communications Equipment-Human Genome
DCFDesign Rule For Camera File Systems-Human Genome
DCIDisplay Control Interface-Human Genome
DDEDynamic Data Exchange-Human Genome
DDIDirect Draw Interface-Human Genome
DDOSDistributed Denial-of-Service-Human Genome
DDR SDRAMDouble Data Rate-Synchronous DRAM-Human Genome
DDSDigital Data Storage-Human Genome
DEBIDMA Extended Bus Interface-Human Genome
DECDigital Equipment Corporation-Human Genome
DESData Encryption Standard-Human Genome
DFMDesign For Manufacturing-Human Genome
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol-Human Genome
DIDDirect Inward Dialing-Human Genome
DIFData Interchange Format-Human Genome
DIFDirectory Interchange Format-Human Genome
DIMMDual In-Line Memory Module-Human Genome
DINDeutsches Institut F?r Normung (German Institute For Standardization)-Human Genome
DINORDivided Bit-line NOR-Human Genome
DIPDual In-line Package-Human Genome
DIVXDigital Video Express-Human Genome
DIZDescription In ZIP-Human Genome
DLCData Link Control-Human Genome
DLLDynamic Link Library-Human Genome
DLPDigital Light Processing-Human Genome
DLTDigital Linear Tape-Human Genome
DMADirect Memory Access-Human Genome
DMCADigital Millennium Copyright Act-Human Genome
DMGData Mining Group-Human Genome
DMIDesktop Management Interface-Human Genome
DNSDomain Name Service (System)-Human Genome
DOCSIS/MCNSData Over Cable Services And Interface Specifications For Multimedia Cable Network Systems-Human Genome
DOMDocument Object Model-Human Genome
DOSDenial-of-Service-Human Genome
DOSDisk Operating System-Human Genome
DPIDots Per Inch-Human Genome
DPMIDOS Protected Mode Interface-Human Genome
DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory-Human Genome
DSLDigital Subscriber Line-Human Genome
DSLAMDigital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (Module)-Human Genome
DSOMDistributed System Object Model-Human Genome
DSPDigital Signal Processor-Human Genome
DSRData Set Ready-Human Genome
DSTNDouble-layer Supertwist Nematic. (in Passive-matrix LCD Technology)-Human Genome
DSUData Service Unit-Human Genome
DSVDDigital Simultaneous Voice And Data-Human Genome
DTDDocument Type Definition-Human Genome
DTEData Termination (Terminal) Equipment-Human Genome
DUNDial-Up Networking-Human Genome
DVDDigital Versatile (Video) Disc-Human Genome
DVD+RWDigital Versatile (Video) Disc + Read/Write-Human Genome
DVD-RAMDigital Versatile (Video) Disc - Random Access Memory-Human Genome
DVD-ROMDigital Versatile (Video) Disc - Read Only Memory-Human Genome
DVIDigital Video Interactive-Human Genome
DWDMDense Wave Division Multiplexing-Human Genome
DXFData Exchange File (Format)-Human Genome
DADomain Analysis -Human Genome
DAAdesignated approving authority -Human Genome
DACSdigital access cross-connect systems -Human Genome
DARDesignated Agency Representative -Human Genome
DARPADefense Advanced Research Agency -Human Genome
DBCESdynamic bandwidth circuit emulation -Human Genome
DBoRdatabase of record -Human Genome
DCdirect current -Human Genome
DCAdistributed component architecture -Human Genome
DCCSdigital cross connects systems -Human Genome
DCE-RPCdistributed computing environment-remote procedure calls -Human Genome
DCIDDirector of Central Intelligence Directive -Human Genome
DCSdigital cross-connect switch -Human Genome
DCSSdigital conferencing switching system -Human Genome
DCTNDefense Commercial Telecommunications Network -Human Genome
DDAdomain-defined attribute -Human Genome
DEADrug Enforcement Administrator -Human Genome
DECNetDigital Equipment Corporation Protocol -Human Genome
DECTdisaster engineering connection technology -Human Genome
DFSDark Fiber Services -Human Genome
DHSDedicated Hosting Services -Human Genome
DiffServe-TE-MARdifferentiated service traffic engineering-maximum allocated resource -Human Genome
DIRECTdisaster intelligent recovery engineering connection technology -Human Genome
DISdraft international standard -Human Genome
DISADefense Information System Agency -Human Genome
DISCODefense Industrial Service Clearance Office -Human Genome
DISNDefense Information Services Network -Human Genome
DITCODefense Information Technology Contracting Office -Human Genome
DITSCAPDoD Information Technology Security Certification and -Human Genome
DLCIdata link connection identifier -Human Genome
DLSdata link switching -Human Genome
DMRCdevice monthly recurring charge -Human Genome
DMSDefense Message System -Human Genome