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Human Genome

AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
PACPublic Access Catalog. May be used interchangeably with the term OPAC; may also mean a catalog of library holdings which is not online -Human Genome
OSLSOpen Source Library Software -Human Genome
ISSNInternational Standard Serials Number. A unique eight-digit number, in two groups of four, assigned to a periodical by the International Serials Data System. -Human Genome
ISBNInternational Standard Book Number -Human Genome
iPodA brand of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple, Inc. -Human Genome
HIPHorizon Internet Protocol; The V-Cat database on the Internet. -Human Genome
BWDigital bandwidth is a rate for data transfer -Human Genome
WZ1World Zone 1 -Human Genome
WREDweighted random early detection -Human Genome
WPSWireless Priority Service -Human Genome
WNCCWireless Network Control Center -Human Genome
WMMwireless fidelity multimedia -Human Genome
WLSASWireless Access Service -Human Genome
WLSAAwireless access arrangement -Human Genome
WLNASWireline Access Service -Human Genome
WLNAAwireline access arrangement -Human Genome
WIPNWireless Private Network -Human Genome
WISPwireless Internet service provider -Human Genome
WiFiwireless fidelity -Human Genome
WGIwithin grade increase -Human Genome
WFMworkforce management -Human Genome
WEP(TWS)wired equivalent privacy -Human Genome
WDPDSWireless Digital Packet Data Service -Human Genome
WCTPwireless communications transfer protocol -Human Genome
WACFOwhere available commercially from offeror -Human Genome
W-CDMAwideband-code division multiple access -Human Genome
VXMLvoice eXtensible markup language -Human Genome
VTUVideo Terminal Unit -Human Genome
VTSVideo Teleconferencing Services -Human Genome
VT1.5Virtual Tributary 1.5 -Human Genome
VTvirtual tributary -Human Genome
VSSVulnerability Scanning Service -Human Genome
VSRvery short reach -Human Genome
VSATvery small aperture terminal -Human Genome
VSVoice Services -Human Genome
VRFvirtual routing and forwarding -Human Genome
VPWSVirtual Private Wire Service -Human Genome
VPVNvirtual private voice network -Human Genome
VPNMonVirtual Private Network Monitoring -Human Genome
VPLSVirtual Private Local Area Network Service -Human Genome
VPIMvoice profile for Internet mail -Human Genome
VP/VCvirtual path/virtual channel -Human Genome
VPATVoluntary Product Accessibility Template -Human Genome
VoIPTSVoice over Internet Protocol Transport Services -Human Genome
VoFRvoice over frame relay -Human Genome
VODvideo-on-demand -Human Genome
VoATMvoice over asynchronous transfer mode -Human Genome
VNSVictim Notification System -Human Genome
VLDBvery large database -Human Genome
VISVoice Information System -Human Genome
VIPverification internet protocol -Human Genome
VINESVirtual Integrated Network Service -Human Genome
VIFvertical inlaid fiber -Human Genome
VFRrtvariable frame rate-real time -Human Genome
VFRnrtvariable frame rate-non real time -Human Genome
VESDAvery early smoke detection apparatus -Human Genome
VCOvoice carry over -Human Genome
VCCvirtual channel connections -Human Genome
VCATvirtual concatenation -Human Genome
VCvirtual circuit -Human Genome
VBR-RTvariable bit rate-real time -Human Genome
VBR-NRTvariable bit rate-non real time (also known as NRT-VBR) -Human Genome
VBRvariable bit rate -Human Genome
VASvalue added service -Human Genome
V&Hvertical and horizontal coordinates -Human Genome
UTCuniversal time code -Human Genome
USGUnited States Government -Human Genome
USNOUnited States Naval Observatory -Human Genome
USFUniversal Service Fund -Human Genome
USCUnited States Code -Human Genome
US-CERTUnited States-Computer Emergency Readiness Team -Human Genome
UPSRunidirectional path switch ring -Human Genome
UNIuser-to-network interface -Human Genome
UNUnited Nations -Human Genome
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System -Human Genome
UMSUnified Messaging Services -Human Genome
UMunified messaging -Human Genome
ULHultra longhaul -Human Genome
UITNUniversal International Toll-Free Number -Human Genome
UIFNUniversal International Free Phone Number -Human Genome
UIuser interface -Human Genome
UFRunspecified frame relay -Human Genome
UBSunclassified but sensitive -Human Genome
UBRunspecified bit rate -Human Genome
UBIunique billing identifier -Human Genome
TWSTeleworking Services -Human Genome
TUItelephony user interface -Human Genome
TTStext to speech -Human Genome
TTRTime to Restore -Human Genome
TSStelecommunications service sector -Human Genome
TSPtelecommunications service priority -Human Genome
TSNOWtransport service now -Human Genome
TSITime Slot Interchange -Human Genome
TSGtiming signal generator -Human Genome
TS/SCITop Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information -Human Genome
TSAAterminating switched access arrangement -Human Genome
TSATransportation Security Administration, Time Slot Alignment -Human Genome
TSTelecommunications Services, Trade Study -Human Genome
TRMTechnical Reference Model -Human Genome
TRACSTotal Router Access Configuration System -Human Genome