[ 0.011 வினாடிகளில்... ] எ.கா : WiFi, IT

Computer and Internet

AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
ZIFZero Insertion Force-Computer and Internet
Y2KYear 2000-Computer and Internet
XSLTExtensible Style Sheet Language Transformation-Computer and Internet
XMLExtensible Markup Language-Computer and Internet
XHTMLExtensible Hypertext Markup Language-Computer and Internet
WWWWorld Wide Web-Computer and Internet
WPAWi-Fi Protected Access-Computer and Internet
WI-FIWireless Fidelity-Computer and Internet
WEPWired Equivalent Privacy-Computer and Internet
WANWide Area Network-Computer and Internet
WAISWide Area Information Server-Computer and Internet
VRMLVirtual Reality Modeling Language-Computer and Internet
VRAMVideo Random Access Memory-Computer and Internet
VPSVirtual Private Server-Computer and Internet
VPNVirtual Private Network-Computer and Internet
VPIVirtual Path Identifier-Computer and Internet
VOIPVoice Over Internet Protocol-Computer and Internet
VLEVirtual Learning Environment-Computer and Internet
VLBVESA Local Bus-Computer and Internet
VGAVideo Graphics Array-Computer and Internet
VFATVirtual File Allocation Table-Computer and Internet
VESAVideo Electronics Standards Association-Computer and Internet
VCIVirtual Channel Identifier-Computer and Internet
USBUniversal Serial Bus-Computer and Internet
URLUniform Resource Locator-Computer and Internet
URIUniform Resource Identifier-Computer and Internet
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply-Computer and Internet
UPNPUniversal Plug And Play-Computer and Internet
UNCUniversal Naming Convention-Computer and Internet
UMLUnified Modeling Language-Computer and Internet
UDPUser Datagram Protocol-Computer and Internet
UDDIUniversal Description Discovery And Integration-Computer and Internet
TWAINToolkit Without An Informative Name-Computer and Internet
TTLTime To Live (DNS)-Computer and Internet
TIFFTagged Image File Format; Image Format-Computer and Internet
TFTThin-Film Transistor-Computer and Internet
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol-Computer and Internet
SSLSecure Sockets Layer-Computer and Internet
SSIDService Set Identifier-Computer and Internet
SSHSecure Shell-Computer and Internet
SRGBStandard Red Green Blue-Computer and Internet
SRAMStatic Random Access Memory-Computer and Internet
SQLStructured Query Language-Computer and Internet
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol-Computer and Internet
SOAService Oriented Architecture-Computer and Internet
SO-DIMMSmall Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module-Computer and Internet
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol-Computer and Internet
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol-Computer and Internet
SMSShort Message Service-Computer and Internet
SMBServer Message Block-Computer and Internet
SMARTSelf-Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology-Computer and Internet
SLIScalable Link Interface-Computer and Internet
SKUStock Keeping Unit-Computer and Internet
SIMMSingle In-Line Memory Module-Computer and Internet
SEOSearch Engine Optimization-Computer and Internet
SEMSearch Engine Marketing-Computer and Internet
SDSLSymmetric Digital Subscriber Line-Computer and Internet
SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory-Computer and Internet
SDSecure Digital-Computer and Internet
SCSISmall Computer System Interface-Computer and Internet
SATASerial Advanced Technology Attachment-Computer and Internet
SANStorage Area Network-Computer and Internet
RUPRational Unified Process-Computer and Internet
RTFRich Text Fomat-Computer and Internet
RTERuntime Environment-Computer and Internet
RSSRDF Site Summary-Computer and Internet
RPMRevenue Per 1,000 Impressions. (M Is The Roman Numeral For 1,000)-Computer and Internet
RPCRemote Procedure Call-Computer and Internet
ROMRead-Only Memory-Computer and Internet
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computing-Computer and Internet
RGBRed Green Blue-Computer and Internet
RDRAMRambus Dynamic Random Access Memory-Computer and Internet
RDFResource Description Framework-Computer and Internet
RAMRandom Access Memory-Computer and Internet
RAIDRedundant Array Of Independent Disks-Computer and Internet
QBEQuery By Example-Computer and Internet
PS/2Personal System/2-Computer and Internet
PRAMParameter Random Access Memory-Computer and Internet
PPTPPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol-Computer and Internet
PPPPoint To Point Protocol-Computer and Internet
PPMPages Per Minute-Computer and Internet
PPLPay Per Lead-Computer and Internet
PPIPixels Per Inch-Computer and Internet
PPGAPlastic Pin Grid Array-Computer and Internet
PPCPay Per Click-Computer and Internet
POP3Post Office Protocol-Computer and Internet
PNGPortable Network Graphic; Image Format-Computer and Internet
PMUPower Management Unit-Computer and Internet
PIMPersonal Information Manager-Computer and Internet
PHPHypertext Preprocessor-Computer and Internet
PDFPortable Document Format-Computer and Internet
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant-Computer and Internet
PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association-Computer and Internet
PCI-XPeripheral Component Interconnect Extended-Computer and Internet
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect-Computer and Internet
PCBPrinted Circuit Board-Computer and Internet
PCPersonal Computer-Computer and Internet
P2PPeer To Peer-Computer and Internet
OOPObject-Oriented Programming-Computer and Internet
OLEObject Linking And Embedding-Computer and Internet