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Chatting Acronyms

AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
YTMYield To Maturity-Chatting Acronyms
WTWindfall Tax-Chatting Acronyms
WSJWall Street Journal-Chatting Acronyms
WACWith Approved Credit-Chatting Acronyms
VIESVariable Interest Entities-Chatting Acronyms
UTMAUniform Transfers To Minors Act-Chatting Acronyms
UGMAUniform Gifts To Minors Act-Chatting Acronyms
UCAUnsupported Credit Approval -Chatting Acronyms
UAUnitary Authority -Chatting Acronyms
TSSTotal Standard Spending -Chatting Acronyms
TSATax-Sheltered Annuity-Chatting Acronyms
TOTreat Official -Chatting Acronyms
TN'STechnical Notes-Chatting Acronyms
TMETotal Managed Expenditure -Chatting Acronyms
STCSecurities Training Corporation-Chatting Acronyms
SSCSector Skills Council -Chatting Acronyms
SSAStandard Spending Assessment -Chatting Acronyms
SROSelf-Regulatory Organization-Chatting Acronyms
SMESmall And Medium Enterprises -Chatting Acronyms
SIV'SStructured Investment Vehicles-Chatting Acronyms
SIPCSecurities Investor Protection Corporation-Chatting Acronyms
SEQUINSSelect Equity Indexed Notes-Chatting Acronyms
SEPSimplified Employee Pension-Chatting Acronyms
SECSecurities Exchange Commission-Chatting Acronyms
SDAService Delivery Agreement -Chatting Acronyms
SCPSingle Capital Pot -Chatting Acronyms
SCASupplementary Credit Approval -Chatting Acronyms
SAIStatement Of Additional Information-Chatting Acronyms
S&PStandard & Poor's-Chatting Acronyms
RTIAReceipts Taken Into Account-Chatting Acronyms
RSGRevenue Support Grant -Chatting Acronyms
RRRegistered Representative-Chatting Acronyms
ROIReturn On Investment-Chatting Acronyms
ROEReturn On Equity-Chatting Acronyms
RORevenue Outturn -Chatting Acronyms
RFRReason For Resource -Chatting Acronyms
REITReal Estate Investment Trust-Chatting Acronyms
RABResource Budgeting And Accounting -Chatting Acronyms
RARevenue Account -Chatting Acronyms
PWLBPublic Works Loan Board -Chatting Acronyms
PSSPersonal Social Services -Chatting Acronyms
PSPProfit Sharing Plan-Chatting Acronyms
PSNBPublic Sector Net Borrowing -Chatting Acronyms
PSA'SPublic Service Agreements (UK)-Chatting Acronyms
PQParliamentary Question -Chatting Acronyms
PPTPlunge Protection Team (an Unknown Buyer Who "makes The Market" During Sharp Downturns)-Chatting Acronyms
PPPPublic Private Partnership -Chatting Acronyms
POPPublic Offering Price-Chatting Acronyms
PMIPrivate Mortgage Insurance-Chatting Acronyms
PIUPublic Inquiry Unit -Chatting Acronyms
PFIPrivate Finance Initiative -Chatting Acronyms
PEPrice To Earnings (Ratio)-Chatting Acronyms
PCPersonal Computer -Chatting Acronyms
PBRPre Budget Report -Chatting Acronyms
PBGCThe Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation-Chatting Acronyms
PAUPublic Appointments Unit -Chatting Acronyms
OTCOver The Counter-Chatting Acronyms
OSJOffice Of Supervisory Jurisdiction-Chatting Acronyms
OPMOther People's Money-Chatting Acronyms
OECDOrganisation For Economic Co-operation And Development -Chatting Acronyms
OCPAOffice Of The Commissioner For Public Appointments -Chatting Acronyms
NYSENew York Stock Exchange-Chatting Acronyms
NSCANon Scoring Credit Approval-Chatting Acronyms
NRFNeighbourhood Renewal Fund -Chatting Acronyms
NNDRNational Non Domestic Rates -Chatting Acronyms
NMACNissan Motor Acceptance Corporation-Chatting Acronyms
NLNo Load-Chatting Acronyms
NILONational Investments And Loans Office -Chatting Acronyms
NHMFNational Heritage Memorial Fund -Chatting Acronyms
NGFLNational Grid For Learning -Chatting Acronyms
NDPBNon-Departmental Public Bodies -Chatting Acronyms
NAVNet Asset Value-Chatting Acronyms
NASDAQNational Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (world's First Automated Financial System). Nasdaq Now A Proper Noun.-Chatting Acronyms
NASDNational Association Of Securities Dealers-Chatting Acronyms
NAONational Audit Office -Chatting Acronyms
MSIMultiple Streams Of Income-Chatting Acronyms
MPTModern Portfolio Theory-Chatting Acronyms
MMKTMoney Market-Chatting Acronyms
LSPLocal Strategic Partnership -Chatting Acronyms
LSCLearning And Skills Council -Chatting Acronyms
LPSALocal Public Service Agreement -Chatting Acronyms
LOILetter Of Intent-Chatting Acronyms
LGFSLocal Government Finance System -Chatting Acronyms
LGFLocal Government Finance -Chatting Acronyms
LGALocal Government Association -Chatting Acronyms
LEALocal Education Authority -Chatting Acronyms
LASFELocal Authority Self Financed Expenditure -Chatting Acronyms
JTWROSJoint Tenants With Rights Of Survivorship-Chatting Acronyms
ISBInvest To Save Budget-Chatting Acronyms
IRAIndividual Retirement Account-Chatting Acronyms
IPOInitial Public Offering-Chatting Acronyms
IOUI Owe You-Chatting Acronyms
INGInternationale Nederlanden Group (a Financial Company)-Chatting Acronyms
IMFInternational Monetary Fund-Chatting Acronyms
IFSInfiniti Financial Services-Chatting Acronyms
ICTInformation & Communication Technology -Chatting Acronyms
IBDInvestors Business Daily-Chatting Acronyms
IAInvestment Adviser-Chatting Acronyms
HRAHousing Revenue Account-Chatting Acronyms
GUDDGold Up, Dollar Down-Chatting Acronyms