[ 0.026 வினாடிகளில்... ] எ.கா : WiFi, IT


AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
SCRSelective Catalytic Reduction-Computer Acronyms(common)
SCRSolar Cosmic Rays (related To Spacecraft And Space Travel)-Computer Acronyms(common)
SCRSpectral Collocation Representation (of Basis Sets)-Computer Acronyms(common)
SCRSchedule Change Request-Organizations
SCRSneak Circuit Report-Organizations
SCRSoftware Change Request-Organizations
SCRStripchart Recorders-Organizations
SCRSeychelles Rupee (ISO 4217 Currency Code)-Astronomy
SCRSelective Chopper Radiometer-Business and Finance
SCRSilicon Controlled Rectifier-Business and Finance
SCRselective call rejection -Human Genome