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AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
PPMPositions And Proper Motions (catalog)-Atmospheric Research Center
PPMPair Population Method-Computer Acronyms(common)
PPMParts Per Million-Computer Acronyms(common)
PPMPath Probability Method-Computer Acronyms(common)
PPMPages Per Minute-Computer and Internet
PPMPages Per Minute-Human Genome
PPMPart Per Minute-Organizations
PPMParts Per Million-Organizations
PPMPulse Per Minute-Organizations
PPMPulse Position Modulation-Organizations
PPMEPacific Plate Motion Experiment-Organizations
PPMPart Per Million-Scuba Diving
PPMParts Per Million-Astronomy
PPMParts Per Million-Astronomy
PPMParts Per Million-Business and Finance