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AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
PACP1-derived Artificial Chromosome-Computer Acronyms(common)
PACPolycyclic Aromatic Compound-Computer Acronyms(common)
PACPerturbed Angular Correlation-Computer Acronyms(common)
PACPhotoacoustic Calorimetry-Computer Acronyms(common)
PACPolyaluminum Chloride-Computer Acronyms(common)
PACPowdered Activated Carbon-Computer Acronyms(common)
PACP1 Artificial Chromosome-Medical
PACPressure Alpha Center-Organizations
PACProbe Aerodynamic Center-Organizations
PACProblem Action Center-Organizations
PACPan Africanist Congress -Partial Solar Calibrator - Patriot Advanced Capabilities - Political Action Committee -Primary Auditory Cortex-Astronomy
PACPolar Atmospheric Chemistry-Business and Finance
PACPublic Access Catalog. May be used interchangeably with the term OPAC; may also mean a catalog of library holdings which is not online -Human Genome