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AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
MCCMission Control Center-Atmospheric Research Center
MCCMicrocrystalline Cellulose-Computer Acronyms(common)
MCCModified Continuous Cooking [of Pulp]-Computer Acronyms(common)
MCCMolecular Coupled-cluster (method)-Computer Acronyms(common)
MCCMotor Control Center-Computer Acronyms(common)
MCCMain Combustion Chamber-Organizations
MCCMain Combustion Chamber-Organizations
MCCMission Control Center (JSC)-Organizations
MCCMotor Control Center (JSC)-Organizations
MCCMarylebone Cricket Club - Mission Control Centre - Movement Control Centre-Astronomy
MCCMesoscale Convective Complex-Business and Finance
MCCMission Control Center-Business and Finance
MCCmigration control center -Human Genome