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AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
GPSGlobal Positioning System-Atmospheric Research Center
GPSGlobal Positioning System-Computer Acronyms(common)
GPSGeneralized Phase Shift Formalism-Computer Acronyms(common)
GPSGlobal Positioning System-Computer and Internet
GPSGlobal Positioning Satellite (System)-Human Genome
GPSGallons Per Second-Organizations
GPSGeneral Processing Subsystem-Organizations
GPSGlobal Positioning Satellite-Organizations
GPSGlobal Positioning System-Organizations
GPSGround Power Supply-Organizations
GPSGround Processing Simulation-Organizations
GPSGlobal Positioning System-Scuba Diving
GPSGlobal Positioing System-SMS Chat and Text
GPSGeneral Problem Solver - Global Positioning System-Astronomy
GPSGlobal Positioning System-Business and Finance
GPSGeophysical Processor System-Business and Finance
GPSGrants Program Section-Business and Finance