[ 0.015 வினாடிகளில்... ] எ.கா : WiFi, IT


AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
BACBacterial Artificial Chromosome-Computer Acronyms(common)
BACBiological Activated Carbon-Computer Acronyms(common)
BACBacterial Artificial Chromosome-Medical
BACBlood Alcohol Content-Medical(slang)
BACBoeing Aircraft Company-Organizations
BACBooster Assembly Contractor-Organizations
BACBuffer Access Card-Organizations
BACBack At Computer-Sms Text Smileys and Emoticons
BACBad Ass Chick-ISO Country Codes
BACBohica Associates Corporation-Astronomy
BACBiosphere-Atmosphere Chemistry-Business and Finance
BACBudgeted Cost At Completion-Business and Finance
BACBoeing Airplane Company-Business and Finance